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Global Gratitude Challenge: #ImSoGrateful

Welcome to the Global Gratitude Challenge! We are honored to be included in this powerful community event & invite you & your loved ones to participate. Through life's struggles it's easy to give into the negatives and stresses of surviving day-to-day.  But when we focus on surviving, we're not truly living.  We forget about the positives in our lives, so sometimes we need a sweet reminder of the things we have--a push to help us remember what's truly important.  Like water to a thirsty flower, water your mind and let your soul blossom by reflecting on the good in your life. Gratitude Month is dedicated to meditating on the positives and giving thanks to the universe for life's gifts.  Share what you are grateful for, and spread the word of thanks and love to the world.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ― Thornton Wilder

The Details!

Global Gratitude Challenge

The Rules & Guidelines:

1. Follow all of our HOSTS on Instagram@laurasykora @dashamalove @treehouseohm and @bretthoebel

And follow all of our Sponsors on Intagram:

@nike_women_ @zicococonut @omgym @ODaromatics @mikayogawear @spaweek @Vitamix

(The 1st day of the challenge will start December 1, and each host will post their post the night before, starting November 30. )

2. Each post must tag #IMSoGrateful somewhere in their post and use that to create the post if possible, expressing what you are grateful for about that topic.

3. Tag ALL SPONSORS and all HOSTS in each post.

4. TAG 5 friends and invite them to join the challenge (in the comments section of each of the hosts daily posts.)

 Winners will be selected based upon the following criteria: **Must post every day during the challenge **Must tag all hosts and sponsors in each post **Must use hashtag #ImSoGrateful in each post **Must tag 5 friends and invite them join the challenge on each of the hosts posts for the whole month. **Old posts don’t count. Must be new posts, starting November 30/Dec 1. **Be original, creative and genuine!

There are many chances to win some cool swag during the challenge as well- we are are even donating 6 $50 Gift Cards! We hope to have you on board & look forward to seeing all of the creative ways people express gratitude.


Check out Dashama on:



