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We Put the Coconut Waters to the Test!

As you could probably tell from our previous post on how to spice up your coconut water, we love coconut water. It's great for bikram and other types of hot yoga, as well as hydrating after a hard workout. With sales of coconut waters on the rise there was no doubt that, sooner or later, we would have a huge selection of brands to choose from. You may not want to go spend $50 to try out all the different coconut waters, but we sure did!

To get their minds and bodies motivated to take on the day, the Mika team started a challenge to workout as a together each morning before work (we'll be blogging about our challenges, progress, and motivation very soon).  Our awesome workout crew, Gaby, Tawnya, and Ken, decided to put the coconut waters to a blind taste-test; each Coconut water would be tasted and rated after a quick and intense in-home workout to get the blood pumping (thanks to BodyRock.TV and Zuzana Light.)  They all have had plenty of  real coconut water drinking experience (literally drinking it out of freshly picked and cut coconuts) from their time in Puerto Rico and Hawaii!

Disclaimer: they are not professional taste testers :), these are just their personal opinions...

The first one to the test:

Amy & Brian Natural Coconut Juice - Pulp Free

Gaby: "Color is nice & natural, milky. Tastes very natural and with a natural sweetness. 9/10"

Tawnya: "Sweet, more yellow in color. 6/10"

Ken: "lacking the bitter taste, pretty sweet"

CoCo Libre Organic Coconut Water

Gaby: "A little watery and more mild, but still very refreshing. 7/10"

Tawnya: "More mild taste, less sweet, more clear in color, more refreshing then first, tangy"

Ken: "full taste, refreshing"

Maui & Sons Coconut Water

Gaby: "Watery, not very coconutty, but still refreshing. 6/10"

Tawnya: "Most refreshing, pure taste"

Ken: "the taste is a little off from pure coconut water"

Taste Nirvana, Real Coconut Water

Gaby: "Tastes completely fake, not like coconut at all; I don't even know what this is. I don't want to drink it anymore! gross"

Tawnya: "Terrible tasting, taste what I think urine might taste like"

Ken: "Different taste from all the rest, but I actually enjoyed it!"

Zico: Pure Coconut Water

Gaby: "Watery and bitter, doesn't taste like pure coconut"

Tawnya: "Very smooth texture, mild taste, yellowish in color"

Ken: "Good taste - refreshing!"

Vita Coconut Water

Gaby: "Taste fake & bitter. Taste like horrible 3 week old stale cake; bitter and bad"

Tawnya: "Disgusting, doesn't taste like coconut water and has strong smell"

Ken: "Bitter, pretty bad taste"

Cadia Coconut Water

Gaby: "Smells like cupcake sugar, tastes like it has added sugar. Not a pleasant aftertaste. Not very natural tasting"

Tawnya: "Has a burnt flavor, clear color with green/yellow tinge"

Ken: "Didn't really enjoy it. Weird after taste"

C2O Coconut Water

Gaby: "refreshing, but tastes very sweet...."

Tawnya: "Refreshing, just sweet enough, very creamy. 9/10"

Ken: "Odd initial taste, not refreshing"

Naked Coconut Water

Gaby: "Milky looking, like it's straight from the coconut. Tastes a little stale and bitter at the same time"

Tawnya: "Very tangy, hint of citrus, light flavor"

Ken: "Bitter taste, refreshing but not my favorite"

Needless to say, they were very surprised at the end of the test to find out that some of their favorite Coco waters turned out to be some of their not-so-favorite flavors--which begs the fact that we should all be open to try different things! Overall, the Amy & Brian brand seemed to be the overall favorite of the crew.

We'd love to know your opinion, what is your favorite coconut water and/or after-workout replenisher?