How To: Three-Legged downward facing dog
/3legged dog
Downward-Facing split, One-legged downward-facing dog, Three-legged downward-facing dog, Three legged Dog, DownDog Split, What have you pose... Lots of names for this one!
Tips & Tricks:
- When you pull your leg in, round as much as you can by pulling in your stomach. Think angry Halloween Cat.
- Keep hips square...This has been my biggest challenge:/ If your hips are open, you are going to have to tap into extra strength to maintain squared off hips. The other week when I was traveling I got to take class at this awesome studio in Venice called Exhale & had the opportunity to take class from the Alignment Queen, Annie Carpenter. In just one class, she gave me so much to work on, it was incredible how much homework I took from her. At one point she hovered over me & told me "Your mantra is CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL." Yes mam'. So, control those hips ladies & gents- I'm still working on it too:)
- Feel out your shoulder alignment. It's easy to have one shoulder come out more than the other, so again, tap into your strength & make your mantra CONTROL. Spread your fingers wide and press firmly through your palms and knuckles. Distribute your weight evenly across your hands to help maintain a strong base.
- Opens hips & ribs
- Builds balance
- Energizing
- Strength building
- Full body stretch