Mikachica STYLE: Meet Zoe

Describe your 1st model sesh with us…

I had just started pole dancing and was taking classes at my favorite studio in Denver, Studio 3sixT. On a random Spring day I received a call from one of the owners, Missie, and she asked if I would be interested in taking some photos for Mika instead of taking class that day. I was so excited! I rushed down to the Mika warehouse where I met the lovely Ms Laura and we took some studio shots before heading to Sloan's Lake. I am sure people thought I was crazy swinging from the trees like a circus animal and doing wardrobe changes in the middle of the park when it was 40F outside! These are still some of my favorite shots with Mika- what an awesome day!

Favorite part of Modeling…

Getting into character! I love putting on the glam (and of course the gorgeous clothes!). Once I start moving my body, the camera disappears and it's just me and my breath.

Your Go-To Style...

Answering this question is a toughy. By day, you will most likely find me bouncing from studio to studio, so my closet is full of black Mika staples, flowy tops, and lots of leg warmers and cozy socks! But by night... love me some black leather, bold eclectic jewelry, and always red lips.

Favorite Mika Styles of the Moment...

Gaby leggings are my go to! So figure flattering- they make my hips and tummy look so sexy! Can't get enough of the Cielo crop too- I wear it teaching, training, swimming, and out and about. I perform in the Wayara bodysuit a ton!

Favorite fashion or lifestyle instagram accounts?

I am really attracted to the artistic shapes people make with their bodies. These are some of my yoga favs:




@erinkellyart (because I want to do press up handstands SO BAD!!!)

@cuchira (that flow though... mmmmm hmmmm...)

Your best posing advice for someone wanting a killer shot for the gram…

Be confident. Own it. Less is more- I am a big advocate of KISS- Keep It Simple and Sexy! Keep practicing and you will be amazed by the progress you make with dedication.

Leggings or Bells?

Leggings! I got legs for days, baby, and i love showing them off!

High waist or Classic fit?

High waist all day erry day.

Prints or Solids?

Black. Solid. Period.

One Piece, High Waist or classic Kini?

I like teeny tiny bikinis please! And I sprinkle in a high waist here and there ;)

Malas: Wrist or Necklace?

Both, don't make me choose!

Follow @thescarletfoxx on Instagram!