20 Questions with @Neuroticmommy

Everyone has their favorite Instagram page or blog that they read every morning when they wake up. Neurotic Mommy happens to be one of ours! We got the opportunity to pick this sweet woman's brain and try and see the world from her eyes. Below are 20 questions we have asked Jennifer and the amazing responses she provided.

1. How long have you been plant based?

Hi Danae! I've been plant based going on 3 and a half years now.

2. What influenced your decision to start a plant based life style?

Becoming a Mom has been THE biggest influence. I felt that I needed to be healthy in all aspects, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, to allow me to be the greatest Mom I could be for my son. Leading a plant based life style just felt natural at that point.

3. How many kids do you have? How old?

I have one son his name is Michael and he's almost 5! I can't even believe it, 5 already (sniffles, lol). My son and husband both eat mostly plant based if not vegetarian.

4. What made you want to start a blog/ when did you start?

Well, I initially started on Instagram in 2012. I use to say I'm just a mom with a camera phone because I would just take pictures of the foods I was eating and post it to Instagram. They were not professional photos like they are now. But the reason I did that is because when I first became plant based I was so lost. I didn't know any recipes, I didn't even know what almond meal was. I just knew I wanted to eat healthier, real whole foods. Some nights I would struggle to think of what we could eat being in this new lifestyle. I grew up in an Italian/Puerto Rican family, so there were lots of meat and cheeses involved. It was a drastic change but a great change. Luckily my son was young enough to where I had/have the advantage to introduce these healthier foods to him at a very young age. I'm grateful for that. It's hard to change someone when they've already become set in their eating ways or habits. So when I started to learn how to cook with real food, not processed food, I thought to myself there must be other moms, parents, (or anyone for that matter) out there that are also struggling with wanting to lead healthier lives and eat better, but don't know exactly where to start. You hear people say all the time “eat healthy” and the question always is, what exactly does eat healthy mean? I thought it would be a good idea to post what I was eating to give others incentive and creative ideas on how to truly eat healthy but also live healthy too. I learned that eating healthy doesn't mean restrictive diets or counting calories. I learned that real food is not the enemy. Food is what our bodies are made of, it's meant to nourish us, not torment us. Then I just dove right in head first and started to learn everything about food, health and wellness. That's how NeuroticMommy was born.

5. What do you like most about blogging?

I absolutely love blogging. What I love most is I get to be myself. It's the real genuine aspect of it. When people read my posts, it's really me, no gimmicks or BS. I write about what I know and I like to help keep people informed. When I think about how many people I can reach and bring awareness to about being plant based, what it means, and things like that, I think about how small steps lead to big changes. I don't ever fault or judge anyone for not knowing or choosing to live a different way. I feel when people are open enough and ready to know, then they will learn.

6. Favorite Food:

Uuum, hellooo...Chocolate! LOL Well no seriously, I do love chocolate but my other faves are fruit of any kind or an array of vegan mac n' cheese. :)

7. What is your favorite way to exercise/blow off steam...etc?

My favorite way to blow off steam is through Sound Meditation. I absolutely love it. It grounds me and helps me find my inner zen. No matter what, after sound meditation my vibration is automatically raised to a higher level and my energetic field is swept clean of any negativity. It's an amazing way to distress and develop some clarity. I also love restorative yoga, hot yoga, or a good ole fashioned brisk walk.

8. Favorite form of Social Media?

I Love Instagram. I will always have this deep connection with it because it's where I started. I didn't even know at the time that it would take off the way it did. I'm so super grateful for that.

9. How did you learn about Mika? 

I saw Mika on Facebook. I absolutely adore Mika's yoga clothes. I'm all about that hippie chic vibe and working out in comfy style. 

To shop Jen's look, CLICK HERE!

10. Where are you from? Where do you currently live:

I am from New Jersey and it's still the place in which I reside. East coast reppin' (raises  the roof, lol).

11. What is your favorite dish to make?

 I love to make vegan mac n' cheese. I have two of my favorite go to recipes, one of which I use almond milk as the base and the second is made up of carrots and potatoes. It's brilliant, I love it, my son loves it, my husband loves it, it's just so good and you wouldn't even think it's healthy. I even use the vegan cheeses as dips too, not just for macaroni. Ahhh the diversity! RECIPE HERE!

12. What is your all time favorite quote?

 “Pay the farmer not the pharmacy”

13. Do you like cooking plant based or baking plant based better?

I love doing both really but baking usually means some sort of cookie, cake, or treat, and I like to consider myself a responsible sweet toother so...if I had to had to choose it would be baking. (Healthy) Cake will be involved.

14. If you could have one super power what would it be?

Ahhh this is a tough one because I have like 5 and it's hard to pick the one that would make the rest of my wanted super powers easily accessible. I'm trying to give myself options here...ok let me see... I would like to be able to have the power to cure all disease. Instead of having animals going into extinction I would like to see that happen to something like cancer instead.

15. Do you have any advice for people trying to cut out meat and dairy?

Yes, I do! If you've come from living years, or decades eating meats and dairy, take it slow. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a learning process and one that takes time. Your body will need to adjust but all for the better. Rome wasn't built in a day.

16. What do you love most about being plant based?

I love the way I feel. I feel vibrant and alive. I feel more connected to the Universe and Mother Nature.

17. What inspires you?

My son has always been my inspiration. Giving him life has taught me how all life is precious and special.

18. Favorite items in your house?

Hmmm...this is a tough one I have so many faves! Ok I love my books, it's how I learn. I love my blender, processor, juicer (even though it's a pain to clean), my healing crystals, my bed, my couch, you see where this is going right? All things lead to relaxation. Lol

19. What does “chilling out” mean to you? What do you do when you have a moment to relax? If ever.

Chilling out to me means staying in my favorite comfy pj's all day doing absolutely nothing but watching shows I've recorded on my DVR, a good comedy, and ordering take out. I detach from all other forms of technology other than my TV. Humor is like my favorite way to relax. I love to literally LMAO because laughing truly does feed the soul.

20. Favorite Color, and why?

Blue...it makes me feel safe. Thank you so much for inviting me into Mika. I feel ultra super sexy special right now. Namaste


To find recipes, read her blog, or learn about holistic nutrition check out Jennifer's blog:  Neurotic Mommy